Areas of


Meaning Centered Therapy:

Whether you need help with feelings of depression, anxiety or another form of suffering, therapy can be more than learning to cope with these symptoms. Together we can encounter these difficult experiences and work to alleviate their effects, while also working to understand their significance. Uncovering the meanings related to sufferings can result in learning about important life patterns and help open the door to a fuller life.

Addiction Recovery:

Healing a life touched by addiction takes time and courage. For many sobriety is the beginning of one of the most challenging and rewarding undertakings of their life. Together we can work to build your healthy and meaningful life in recovery. I have training and experience working with all phases of the recovery process. I believe that both addiction and recovery are different experiences for everyone and there is no one size fits all approach.

Teen Counseling:

Navigating the adjustments of adolescence is a time filled with both possibility and difficulty. I work to help teens identify and develop positive parts of who they are; while learning to productively cope with the difficulties of life. Often this work involves helping both teens and parents develop a more collaborative style of relateing. 

Family Members of Addicted Persons:

The addiction of a loved one is a painful experience that comes in many forms.  Whether this experience involves a parent, child, spouse or another loved one; feelings of confusion, hurt and fear are seldom far. Togather we will work to help you cope with these experiences, heal from these painful memories, and grow toward being in healthy relationships.